Press Release

Understanding Domestic Violence: Forms, Actions, and Protection Orders

Are you in an abusive relationship? Do you no longer feel safe at your home, and wondering what you should do about it? If you have been accused falsely of abuse or need help overcoming abuse, it is wise to seek legal representation. There are two different types of protection orders that you can obtain with the help of a domestic violence lawyer.

Domestic violence attorney.

Millions of people are experiencing domestic violence because they are in an abusive relationship. After the abuse incident, the abuser will express deep remorse for their actions. After a while, tensions will build up again, and another incident will occur. Individuals accused of abuse and those abused should hire an experienced domestic violence attorney to get the justice they deserve.

Forms of domestic values.

  • Sensual,
  • Physical.
  • Financial abuse.
  • Psychological.
  • Stalking
  • Threats of violence.

When this happens to you, it will most likely lead to a divorce. However, it does not mean that violence will stop there. Hiring a domestic violence attorney from Nielsen Law will help to safeguard you, your family, or your loved ones from manipulation, harm, or abuse.

If an individual commits the following acts, they will be charged with domestic violence. It includes:

  • If you intentionally harm a family member.
  • When you recklessly endanger a family member’s life.
  • Threatening and using force to make a family member feel like they are in immediate danger of physical harm.

Criminal and civil laws protect domestic violence victims from harm. Seek legal representation to ensure the victims are safe and mitigate any adverse reactions when finding help.

Many people try to leave an abusive relationship, but it is difficult. You will need the assistance of a domestic violence attorney who understands. Usually, abuse victims try to leave their relationship so many times before they are successful. When the victim gets a civil protection order, they can get exclusive residence use, temporary child support, and custody. This way, you can continue with your life without moving to another residence. Get an attorney who offers compassionate, friendly, and caring support throughout the legal representation process.

How can you get a protection order?

It is a legal mandate that states what actions are to be taken and avoided by individuals. Non-compliance will lead to legal penalties.

Types of protection orders.

  • Temporary or criminal protection order.

It is associated with domestic violence criminal cases and is issued to prohibit the abuser from committing further violence.

  • Civil protection order.

A domestic relations court issues this order to protect victims from further domestic violence incidents. The victim will get temporary child custody and support. You can get a civil protection order without initializing the divorce process. An emergency CPO will be granted by the judge if the victim is at an immediate risk of harm.


Domestic violence cases are sensitive and complex, and therefore hire a compassionate and caring attorney to offer effective legal support and representation. The best way to protect yourself and loved ones from an abusive relationship is by obtaining a protection order.  The two types of protection order against domestic violence includes temporary and civil protection orders.



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